They call us inauspicious widows. Yes, I understand the pain in the reality of widowhood.
In yester years we were burnt in the name of ‘Sati’ along with our husband, later we were allowed to live with forcefully destroyed beauty. Well, today the conditions are better. Though I understand the loneliness in widowhood, I have decided to be bold and shed no tears.
I have started walking on my chosen path of an economically independent widow, in full earnest. I go to work covering the pain in my heart with a stale smile and bright dress. The condolences from my colleagues did soften me initially, until I realized the taunting and gossip that lay beneath. I collected their comments in a bag and threw it far away, so as to gain more confidence and clarity of mind.
‘I will walk onward incessantly, like an uncontrollable wind and light on the very path that I have chosen to walk on.
Poetess: Krishangini
Music: T.K.Padamanabhan
Ragam: Shivaranjani, Vasanthi, Nalinakanthi
Talam: Adhi
Dance: Neeraja Ramani
Year: 2003 / 2007 / 2008
Duration: 15 minutes
Photo Credits: Bhaskar’s Arts Academy, Singapore